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Mariano Sanz

Mariano Sanz

University Complutense of Madrid, Spain and University of Oslo, Norway

Mariano Sanz has medical and dental degrees by the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM). He undertook his postgraduate training in Periodontology in the University of California, Los Angeles and subsequently, he was appointed Professor of Periodontology in the Faculty of Odontology at UCM where he has held this position in the last 30 years. He is also chairman of the EFP accredited postgraduate program in Periodontology and director of the ETEP Research Group. Since the last 6 years he also holds a position of Professor type II at the University of Oslo Dr Sanz is the author of more than 400 articles and textbook chapters. He is Associate Editor of Journal of Clinical Periodontology and co-author of the Textbook Lindhe's Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. Dr Sanz has been awarded five Honoris Causa Doctorates at the Universities (San Sebastian, Chile, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Gothenburg, Sweden, Coimbra, Portugal and Warsaw, Poland).



Managing periodontitis stage IV patients with pathological tooth migration. Integration of periodontal and orthodontic therapies

This lecture will provide an overview on how to manage the severe periodontitis patient with tooth loss and drifting and flaring of the remaining dentition. In these patients, periodontal therapy aimed to arrest inflammation and reduce pocket depths is not enough to restore the patient’s function and aesthetic and the proper integration of orthodontic and implant restorative therapy is needed.

There is ample evidence that orthodontic tooth movements in teeth with a reduced periodontium do not cause further attachment loss and restore the proper occlusal force and space distribution to rehabilitate the lost dentition. However, the correct integration of periodontal, orthodontic, implant and restorative treatments is critical to achieve the desired outcomes, together with the correct patient compliance to allow these integrated therapies within a healthy periodontal environment. In this presentation I shall cover the stepwise approach to periodontal, orthodontic and implant restorative therapies, indicating the key treatment objectives and how to sequence this interdisciplinary approach

Aims, Objectives and Learning Outcomes:

Aims: To provide an overview of the treatment of the Periodontitis stage IV patient with pathological tooth migration.

Objectives: This lecture will provide an enhanced understanding of the integration of periodontal, implant and orthodontic treatment to restore the health, function, and aesthetics of Periodontitis stage IV patient with pathological tooth migration.

Learning outcomes: Following this presentation, delegates should have acquired knowledge regarding how to integrate the orthodontic treatment within the multidisciplinary therapy of the Periodontitis stage IV patient with pathological tooth migration.
